اصطلاحات رایج انگلیسی و داستان پشت آنها (پارت اول)

اصطلاحات انگلیسی رایجی که هر روزه توسط انگلیسی زبان ها بکار می رود هر کدام داستان و تاریخچه تولید دارند. دانستن داستان تولید یک اصطلاح می تواند به شما کمک کند که آن اصطلاح را راحت تر یاد بگیرید و در ذهن شما ماندگار تر شود. در این قسمت با داستان 5 اصطلاح رایج آنها که بیشتر توسط آمریکایی ها استفاده  می شود آشنا شوید .  اصطلاحات رایج انگلیسی و داستان پشت آنها (پارت اول)

Straight from the horse’s mouth


Meaning: getting information directly from the most reliable source

معنی : از مبع موثق شنیدن

Origin: This one is said to come from the 1900s, when buyers could determine a horse’s age by examining its teeth. It’s also why you shouldn’t “look a gift horse in the mouth,” as inspecting a gift is considered bad etiquette.

Example: I don’t believe it that she did it. I’m going to go to ask her and hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

Let the cat out of the bag


Meaning: to mistakenly reveal a secret

معنی: چیزی را لو دادن- برملا کردن

Origin: Up to and including in the 1700s, a common street fraud included replacing valuable pigs with less valuable cats and selling them in bags. When a cat was let out of a bag, the jig was up.

Example: Tim let the cat out of the bag about my surprise birthday party.

Butter someone up


Meaning: to praise or flatter someone, usually to gain a favor

معنی: چاپلوسی کردن

Origin: A customary religious act in ancient India included throwing butter balls at the statues of gods to seek good fortune and their favor.

Example: I’ve stopped answering my phone when Jenny calls me. She always butters me up with lots of compliments and then asks for a big favor.

اصطلاحات رایج انگلیسی و داستان پشت آنها (پارت اول)

Pulling someone’s leg


Meaning: teasing someone, usually by lying in a joking manner

معنی: کسی را دست انداختن

Origin: Although pulling someone’s leg is all in good fun nowadays, it originally described the way in which thieves tripped their victims to rob them.

Example: Don’t worry about what he said. He’s just pulling your leg.

داستان 10 اصطلاح انگلیسی

Wolf in sheep’s clothing


Meaning: someone who is pretending to be something they are not, usually to the detriment of others

معنی: گرگ در لباس میش

Origin: This one’s attributed to the Bible (Matthew 7:15). The Bible also gave us “rise and shine” (Isaiah 60:1), “seeing eye to eye” (Isaiah 62:8), and a “broken heart” (Psalm 69:20).

Example: Don’t trust the salespeople at the store; they are all wolves in sheep’s clothing!

درصورت نیاز به اطلاعات بیشتردراین زمینه می توانید ازطریق ایمیل


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اصطلاحات رایج انگلیسی و داستان پشت آنها (پارت اول)

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